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Black Caucus

We are transforming lives by responding to and advocating for the needs, concerns, aspirations, and grievances of African American congregations within the Presbytery of the James.

Our mission is to:

  • Support and nurture the holistic health and sustained growth of the church;
  • Ensure equal participation of African Americans in the life and work of the Presbytery of the James and in the Presbyterian Church (USA);
  • Promote communication by serving as a liaison between the African American churches and the Presbytery of the James; and
  • Promote unity and cultural understanding within the Presbytery.


Ulysses S. Payne, treasurer

Evalyn Page, parliamentarian

Finding God in Moments of Crisis

Redeeming the Narrative Series

How to close the great and growing racial divide in our country? One way is to see and acknowledge the struggles that African Americans face. Through this, we build bridges and are able to change the narrative of hundreds of years of systemic racism. The members of the Black Caucus invite you to participate in 8 Minutes and 46 Seconds: Together We Can Redeem the Narrative, a series of interactive and inspirational dialogues that will explore racial reconciliation and acceptance.


Put the Bucket Down Where You Are

The Black Caucus co-sponsored a recent event hosting the co-moderators of the 224th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The moderators addressed ways churches can bridge the divide in race relations across the country. A written summary and recording of the event are available.


All Souls Presbyterian Church, Richmond

Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Nottoway

Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Richmond

First United Presbyterian Church, Richmond

Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, Amelia

Ogden Presbyterian Church, Broadnax

Thyne Memorial Presbyterian Church, Chase City

Westminster Presbyterian Church, Petersburg

Woodville Presbyterian Church, Richmond

Zion Hill Presbyterian Church, Amelia

Trinity Ghanaian Fellowship, Richmond

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"And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Micah 6:8