8 Minutes and 46 Seconds:
Together We Can Redeem the Narrative
How to close the great and growing racial divide in our country? One way is to see and acknowledge the struggles that African Americans face. Through this, we build bridges and are able to change the narrative of hundreds of years of systemic racism. If we are new creations in Christ, if the old creation has gone and the new has truly come, then we are called to see all people with the eyes of Jesus and to love all people as ourselves. Explore racial reconciliation and acceptance through a series presented by POJ's Black Caucus.
September 24, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
How to Become a Bridgebuilder for Racial Reconciliation
Racism exists in America today and systemic bias subtly influences the way one thinks about people of other races. Hear experiences from people who have witnessed discrimination. Learn steps we can take to come together.
Presenter: Peggy Fox is the moderator of the Black Caucus and the commissioned pastor at Woodville Church in Richmond.
February 27, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
Finding God in Moments of Crisis
Many today see America and Christianity at a spiritual crossroad. Is the American dream equitable for all? What is God’s message about race and equality? Explore these questions with POJ’s Black Caucus in Finding God in Moments of Crisis, the second event in their Redeeming the Narrative series.
Presenter: The Rev. Ulysses Payne is an ordained minister of the Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. serving the historic Westminster Presbyterian Church in Petersburg.
April 17, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
Where Do We Go From Here? What Would Jesus Say to a Society Desiring to Heal Racism?
For the final session of the Redeeming the Narrative series, the Black Caucus helps participants explore future actions. In Where Do We Go From Here, we ask, “What would Jesus say to a society desiring to heal racism?” For a number of years, we’ve made public statements, written books, and created awareness days and months to promote racial reconciliation. How can the Church lead the way in our healing? Attend this event to share your thoughts. Moderated by Peggy Fox, commissioned pastor of Woodville Presbyterian Church.