Church and Community Events
Want to Share Your Event?
To include your announcement on this page, send details to the POJ office. Include text for the announcement in the body of your email. A link to more information on your website also is helpful. Please do not send graphics.
Winter & Spring 2025
Summer Registration Now Open for Camp Hanover!
Give a child in your life an amazing experience this summer. At Camp Hanover, kids enjoy fun, fellowship, adventure, and challenge in our day and overnight camps.
Zoom Discussion with PC(USA) Co-Moderator Rev. Tony Larson
February 10, 7-8:15 p.m.
The POJ Mission Council has invited Tony Larson, co-moderator of the PC(USA), to join us for a Zoom discussion Monday evening, Feb. 10, 7-8:15 p.m. We will explore the amendments from the General Assembly that will be voted on at the Feb. 15 presbytery meeting.
This Zoom conversation is not an official presbytery meeting, and registration is not required. It is open to any members of the presbytery who wish to know more about these amendments.
Handbell Retreat
February 14-16, 2025
Massanetta Springs
Join us for a weekend-long handbell retreat featuring fellowship among bell choirs and great music under the skilled direction of David M. Harris, director of the Raleigh Ringers. Individuals as well as full choirs are invited to attend!
Hurricane Disaster Relief Trip to Augusta, Georgia
February 23-March 1
Required Training: February 12, 6-9 p.m.
The devastation of Helene and Milton has brought destruction to so many unsuspecting victims all up and down the eastern seaboard. Pearson Brown, moderator of POJ's Disaster Relief Mission Team is putting a group together to help with the recovery from this hurricane for a home in Augusta, GA that was crushed by a huge tree. This family is not receiving assistance from any organizations. This location is just over 6 hours from Richmond. Volunteers may go for the first week, the second week, or both. A required training takes place February 12. Please find complete details or sign up by clicking below.
Hurricane Disaster Relief Trip to Augusta, Georgia
March 2-March 8
Required Training: February 12, 6-9 p.m.
The devastation of Helene and Milton has brought destruction to so many unsuspecting victims all up and down the eastern seaboard. Pearson Brown, moderator of POJ's Disaster Relief Mission Team is putting a group together to help with the recovery from this hurricane for a home in Augusta, GA that was crushed by a huge tree. This family is not receiving assistance from any organizations. This location is just over 6 hours from Richmond. Volunteers may go for the first week, the second week, or both. A required training takes place February 12. Please find complete details or sign up by clicking below.
Easter Respite
April 21-25, 2025
Massanetta Springs
Whether you are an installed teaching elder, commissioned ruling elder, transitional pastor, or other church leader, the season of Lent is a busy one! After we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, come and rest.
PC(USA) leaders and other friends of Massanetta who have previously attended programs are welcome to join us at no cost. Arrive on Monday and stay for all four nights, or come for any part of these days. Family members are welcome!
We provide lodging and a free buffet breakfast on Tuesday morning at 8:30. There are many other dining options available in the Harrisonburg area to enjoy during the rest of your stay.
Did we mention it’s free?
Summer 2025
Middle School Conference 2025
June 19-July 18, multiple sessions
Massanetta Springs
Middle School Conference is a transformational program that welcomes hundreds of middlers and their leaders from all over the country each summer. Participants attend keynotes, recreation, workshops, and worship designed by the Advocates (high school leaders) with them in mind.
2025 Presbyterian Youth Triennium
July 28-31, 2025
Save the date! The next Presbyterian Youth Triennium will be in July 2025.
Recurring Events
Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation
Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m.
Chester Presbyterian Church
Wear comfortable clothes and bring a mat and a pillow for this time of guided contemplation and centering prayer for spiritual rest and renewal. Participants should leave feeling more spiritually aware and physically relaxed.
Grief Support Groups
Full Circle Grief Center
Support groups are designed to care for individuals, families, and children experiencing loss. Led by professionals, these groups meet weekly to discuss coping strategies for those affected by loss.
Men's Breakfast
Every 3rd Saturday January-May and September-October
9 a.m.
Three Chopt Presbyterian Church
9315 Three Chopt Ave. Richmond, VA
Come together to enjoy fellowship, a great breakfast, and a unique program with a community guest speaker.
The speaker for Feb. 15, 2025 is “the new” Barry Moore, CEO of Central Virginia Better Business Bureau. (Barry N. Moore retired; Barry F. Moore, Jr. is the new CEO!)
RSVP with Martin Walker no later than three days before that month's event.
Lectio Divina
Mondays, 7:30-8:30 p.m.
Zoom via First Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville
Lectio Divina is a spiritual practice of scripture reading that involves both meditation and prayer. It promotes a time of communion with God and an ability to increase our knowledge of God's word. Traditionally Lectio has four separate steps: reading, meditating, praying, and contemplating. Each time the scripture is read, the group reflects upon its meaning which is then followed by prayer and contemplation on the Word of God. Contact Debbie Rexrode for the Zoom link.
Want to Share Your Event?
To include your announcement on this page, send details to the POJ office. Include text for the announcement in the body of your email. A link to more information on your website also is helpful. Please do not send graphics.