Ministers joining or returning to Presbytery of the James are invited to attend orientations presbytery staff hold for new professionals. These events acclimate new members to the work of the presbytery, its structure, and its committees.
Our Commission on Ministry requires participation in the orientation because the experience strengthens the personal bonds on which our connectional system of church government depends.
Participation also provides new members with an opportunity to become better oriented to the vision, mission, and ethos of our presbytery, and to understand the resources available within our presbytery and denomination.
Additionally, it will help us discover areas that need improvement and assist us in providing quality ministry formation and education to help you succeed in ministry.
Minister members will receive an invitation to the next session about one month in advance. Please bring any questions you have about the Presbytery of the James to the session.
We are excited to begin our journeys together in ministry.
2023 Sessions
February 28, 2-4:30 p.m.
May 16, 2-4:30 p.m.
August 15, 2-4:30 p.m.
Presbytery of the James