December 2022
December 19
Hope, peace, love, and joy to you this season
December 14
We are grateful for your covenant with us; candlelight carol service at Grace Covenant; Christmas greetings from Cindy Corell; Older Adult Ministry Network hosts Winter Solstice worship; last chance to register for Winter Camp; presbytery office closing for Christmas; new pastoral relationships
December 7
Time to share your statistical data with PC(USA); live nativity at Swift Creek Church; Messiah sing-along with Bon Air Church; Nativity play at Culpeper Church; Mitchells Church advent event; transforming older adult ministry course; forum on juvenile justice
November 2022
November 29
Advent events aplenty; Christmas concert at River Road Church; handmade bazaar at Orange Church; Christmas at Camp Hanover; Messiah sing-along at Tappahannock Church; Sandy Hook vigil in Charlottesville; ministers and the Civil Rights Movement
November 22
May you have a joyful Thanksgiving; a variety of advent devotionals offer inspiration, comfort, and peace; PC(USA) invites gifts to the Christmas Joy Offering
November 17
Hicks elected stated clerk; Johns completes interim service; Ring to be ordained November 20; Massanetta Springs hosts Christmas concert; registration open for Winter Camp; PC(USA) produces report on 225th Assembly
November 9
Highlights of the 112th Meeting; learn how to prepare for an active shooter incident; South Plains hosts global gift fair; New Hanover's Project Pie benefits flood victims; inspire others with your older adult outreach and event ideas; presbyteries plan joint mission trip to Guatemala
November 2
People of color, younger people asked to serve on special committees; Andrzejewski to be installed November 6; handyperson needed; survey for Christian education workers and volunteers; into the Church Triumphant
October 2022
October 26
Thank you to POJ clergy; Trivia night to benefit Mary Washington University campus ministry; new pastoral education program starts at St. Mary's Hospital; older adult retreat scholarship available; deadline approaching for Westminster College scholarship
October 18
Richmond Hill hosts pastor convocation; grants available for youth events; All Nations Fellowship collection toys, clothing for needy; experience Camp Hanover in winter; SDOP grant deadline approaching; Providence Church (Powhatan) updates emergency shelter
October 12
Presbytery meeting registration closes Friday at noon; help those impacted by Hurricane Ian; Union hosting workshop on teaching texts of John; LGBTQ+ youth invited to Camp Hanover retreat; Presbyterian Women to hold fall gathering at Chester Church; find rest for your soul at Ash Grove Retreat; Westminster Church (Charlottesville) celebrates first day of school
October 5
Meet candidates preaching at October presbytery meeting; Providence Gum Spring celebrates 275th anniversary; pastor to portray Saint Athanasius; registration open for women's retreat at Camp Hanover; Union Seminary presents workshop on play
September 2022
September 27
How has Camp Hanover shaped you? Learn about grant funding from SDOP; webinar on implicit bias for ruling elders and deacons; International Peacemakers arriving soon
September 21
Apply now for Vital Congregations program; end-of-life study group for older adult ministry leaders; Camp Hanover hosts Hollowed Harvest again; prepare for retirement with free webinar; annual food action week starts October 10
September 14
Church and Ministry News Needed for Fall Vine; youth invited to new fall camp; Ministry Collaborative offers trust-building webinar; UR faith forum hosts author of Caste book; extra planning calendars available
September 7
Read the Vine online; welcome, Barbara Chalfant; supply preacher honorarium increases; free chairs available
August 2022
August 31
Part-time is plenty says author in upcoming webinar; retreat planned for older adult leaders; Fisher, Morgan celebrate final Sundays; closed for Labor Day
August 23
Learn about El Salvador from international peacemaker; four churches give to offering for 20 years; Montreat hosts evangelism conference; Rachel Sutphin ordained
August 17
Rethinking mission; welcome, Leigh Anne Ring; high school youth invited to Massanetta retreat; Mary Bielen ordained
August 11
Registration open for stewardship conference; next trend in food ministry; prepare now for Peace & Global Witness Offering; celebrate the ordination of Sutphin August 14
August 3
See what all the fun is about at Camp Hanover's 65th anniversary celebration; request a presbyter; free digitization available to African American churches
July 2022
July 27
Thanks to our General Assembly representatives; re-thinking mission; continuing education program promotes leadership, womanist scholarship
July 21
Special meeting to be virtual; call for ruling elders; Mary Washington campus ministry plans for fall; free hymnals available
July 13
Save the date for a special meeting; custom stole maker needed; local baseball team hosts faith night; last call for planning calendars; celebrate the ordination of Morgan July 22
July 6
225th General Assembly elects co-moderators; using unlicensed radio transmitters could lead to fines; Presbyterian Historical Society offers archive and digitization services; new yearlong service opportunity at Camp Hanover for young adults
June 2022
June 30
Executives pass the torch; well wishes and prayers for Fred Holbrook;
June 21
Highlights of the 111th meeting; Holbrook retiring after 40 years of ministry; ruling elder needed to serve as vice moderator; summer camp underway at Camp Hanover
June 8
Meet ordination candidates preaching at presbytery meeting; prison system alternatives are focus of new organization; men's group to return to in-person meeting; Ukrainian minister looking for housing in Richmond area
June 1
Registration open for 111th meeting; technology grant available for pastors of small churches, congregations of color; ministry community seeking participants for 22-23 cohort; you're invited to Camp Hanover's anniversary celebration; certification courses available for church admins
May 2022
May 26
Save on planning calendars; learn mediation skills for dealing with conflict; invite peace to your worship; clarification on June meeting; outdoor worship at Camp Hanover
May 23
Highlights from the special meeting; registration open for virtual meeting of PW Synod; Church Library Association planning in-person meeting; help youth develop a solid foundation of faith
May 18
Presbytery approves Barbee-Watkins as lead presbyter
May 11
Deadline to register for called meeting is noon Tuesday; check your church info; summer programs offer teens opportunities to explore their faith; Camp Hanover wins 'Best of Virginia' award; prayers for the Bluford family
May 3
Search committee to present nominee for lead presbyter at called meeting; roommates needed for Montreat Youth Conference; serve on summer staff at Massanetta Springs; develop your emotional intelligence; First Richmond welcomes you to evening worship
April 2022
April 27
Spread good news throughout the presbytery; Sprunt Lectures start Monday; civic literacy training for faith leaders; need a guest preacher; Camp Hanover invites you to visit in May
April 21
Presbytery seeks applicants for stated clerk; tune in for PC(USA)'s Matthew 25 livestream; apply to work this summer at Camp Hanover; prayers for the Winter family; VDH needs your help to keep kids lead-free
April 13
An Easter message; Matthew 25-themed confirmation curriculum available; celebrate God's beautiful world; open house at Camp Hanover; prayers for the Flournoy family
April 6
Arriving soon: spring issue of the Vine; enjoy the flavors of Ukraine; registration open for 2022 Sprunt Lectures
March 2022
March 30
Learn about One Great Hour of Sharing; May is Older Adult Ministry Month; families can enjoy Camp Hanover, too; River Road hosts Palm Saturday Festival
March 24
Five certified as Earth Care Congregations; Massanetta Springs Celebrates 100th Anniversary; PC(USA) offers legal resources
March 17
Webinar for ruling elders and deacons; camp counselors needed; resources available from Insurance Board; listening sessions for ministry leaders; Day of Prayer for Ukraine
March 9
Registration open for summer at Camp Hanover; Board of Pensions introduces new service; weekly webinars on sacred music
March 1
Application window open for two presbyter positions; resources available for One Great Hour of Sharing; celebrate with All Nations Fellowship; retired pastor writes about his "surprise calling"
February 2022
February 24
Highlights from the 110th meeting; Hunger Ministry limited by decrease in contributions; find resources for Mr. Rogers Day; Older Adult Ministry Network hosting dementia-awareness webinar; more
February 16
Presbytery meeting includes candidates at start, end of ordination process; second chance to attend hybrid worship workshop; find educational tools through online catalog; Forest Hill invites you to slow down with Jazz Vespers
February 9
Participants wanted for Community of Ministry and Worship; learn about hosting seminary interns; invite a young adult to serve; concert benefits local high school students
February 3
Highlights from called meeting; recording of Egypt seminary event available; Charlotte presbytery hosts privilege conference; presbytery pastor publishes book; Brandermill Church offers free organ
January 2022
January 26
Share your good news with the presbytery; our ministry together; annual reports due February 15; new technology grant program coming; into the Church Triumphant
January 19
Three ministry candidates to preach at called meeting; Presbyterianism in Egypt; unforgettable experience for teens coming this summer; cultivate your older adult ministry
January 12
Registration open for called meeting; Facilities Task Force seeks information about space available to share; hybrid worship workshop recording available; learn about grants for capital projects; into the Church Triumphant
January 6
Process of selecting three presbyters moves forward; we invite your covenant with us; celebrate the ordination of Parker on Saturday; share your gifts as a Massanetta volunteer; join PW Churchwide for book discussion