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Resource Center


The Resource Center inspires churches in the Presbytery of the James to do a “new thing” by providing ready access to high-quality resources, consultation, and programming that transforms lives and enlivens the educational life of congregations.

An ecumenical non-profit, the Resource Center serves many churches and denominations, three Richmond seminaries, and various church-related agencies and individuals. The Presbytery of the James was one of the center's founding members in 1983.

Much more than just books, videos, and curriculum, the center's diverse collection includes art and artifacts. Many items can be borrowed by local congregations to start wonderful dialogue for classes and events.


Virginia Union University
Kingsley Hall, 4th Floor
1500 N. Lombardy St. Richmond, VA 23220


Tuesday thru Friday, Noon-6 p.m. (other times by appointment)

resource center

Contacting the Resource Center



Facebook: The Resource Center

Denise Janssen, executive director