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Older Adult Ministry

Our goal is to develop strategies which will help inform older adults on a wide variety of topics: those relating to spiritual, physical and mental health, financial concerns, law and retirement issues, housing and transportation matters, volunteer and employment opportunities, and end of life planning.

Retreats and other events planned by the Older Adult Ministry create opportunities to gather and focus on particular age-related issues, with time for worship, learning together and fellowship.


George Whipple, moderator
Lillian Rhudy
Ralph Rhudy

Local Events

Ageism and Spirituality Retreat

April 18, 2024
Camp Hanover

A day retreat exploring spirituality and ageism.

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“Life is a gift of God, and aging is a natural part of living, involving the whole life span from birth to death. Older adults are not a different category of persons, but are simply those persons who have traveled further along on the journey.”

Task Force on Older Adult Ministry—2004 General Assembly PC USA 1992