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Deadline for Financial Gifts to Presbytery

We are thankful for our covenant that is affirmed by your faithful, prayerful, and financial support of the Presbytery of the James and its ministry.

As the year-end approaches, undesignated income totals $559,442.57 through November. We rejoice in your faithful giving support, especially during an unprecedented pandemic.

The budgeted request for 2020, growing out of our covenant with one another, is $698,667. It is vital for the ministries of the POJ to be upheld and for us to be transparent about the needs and opportunities God has set before us. But it is also vital for us to acknowledge the impact that the pandemic has had on our churches and our presbytery this year.

Historically, giving within the churches of the presbytery is strong in December. To facilitate acknowledgement and gratitude for your gifts, the presbytery account will be open to receive congregational support for 2020 through January 19, 2021.

Thank you for your faithful work and service for Christ Jesus in this region and beyond. May God bless you all!